Each player must register herself. This can be done on the OVR Website - ovr.org It is suggested that each player gets a Junior Try-Out Membership to start the season. The cost is $10 and can be used at 5 different try-outs. Once a player decides which club she will join, she will then go back to the OVR page and complete her registration/membership process. The remainder of the registration fee is $52. This is primarily being done for insurance purposes.
Once on the OVR website - click on JOINING on the top left side. Scroll down to register and click. You will need to read the different options and instructions. If a player played JO's in the OVR during the 2016 season, she should 'renew' her membership. If she has never played she will be a new female jr. player. The directions will take you through several steps. It will ask you to read the waiver - you need to click on it and open it or else you will not be allowed to continue. At the end of the process you should be able to print out a copy of the USA Volleyball Jr. Try-out Membership Card - and this is what you must show at try-outs.
The USAV Medical Release form can be found at the ovr.org website. All players must complete this form and bring it to try-outs.
Any questions feel free to contact Grace Hutchinson 419-660-9554.